01/02/2004 - 01/06/2004 我們要唱的歌
01/04/2004 Luce Chapel Sunday Service
Call For Service
O Sing Unto the Lord / 齊當向主歌唱
(Hans Leo Hassler)
Before Sermmon
Lo How a Rose (Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesang, 15th Century)
O Magnum Mysterium
(Tomas Luis de Victoria)
Salvation is Created
(Paul Tschesnokoff)
Create in me, O God, a Pure Heart / 主啊,給我創造清潔的心
(Johannes Brahms)
Like as the Hart / 我心切慕上帝如鹿切慕溪水
(Giovanni Palestrina)
The Lord Bless You and Keep You / 願主賜福保祐你
(Peter Lutkin)
01/06/2004 Evening Recital in Wei-Li Tang
O Sing Unto the Lord / 齊當向主歌唱
(Hans Leo Hassler)
Like as the Hart / 我心切慕上帝如鹿切慕溪水
(Giovanni Palestrina)
Create in me, O God, a Pure Heart / 主啊,給我創造清潔的心
(Johannes Brahms)
O Magnum Mysterium
(Tomas Luis de Victoria)
Salvation is Created
(Paul Tschesnokoff)
買了一個新鮮的紅蘋果 (曲:駱維道,詞:新疆民謠)
01/06/2004 Evening Recital in Wei-Li Tang (Alternate Songs)
茉莉花 (曲詞:中國民謠)
一隻鳥仔 (曲詞:嘉義民謠)
The Lord Bless You and Keep You / 願主賜福保祐你
(Peter Lutkin)