I am not sure if you have received the sad news about Lee Chin-yung. This morning in Taipei Igi received news about his passing away. Both of us felt it difficult to take. He was such an up and around, energetic, optimistic person. I feel so sorry.
Not many of us know his family, but, I think it will be well if any of us would like to write letters of condolence to his family. I do not have the address with me in the office. Please forgive me. It should be on the directory for choir members.
Take good care of yourself till we meet again.
¡X ¨V¦t²ü
Yes, it is so hard to believe that our beloved choir member, Dr. Peter Lee Chin-Yung, passed away this morning at 7:25AM (7/25 is his birthday) in his San Jose residence unexpectedly. Peter's wife, Trio, and daughter Jennifer, son Steven were around before he passed away. It came too suddenly; the whole family is still in shock. Peter was under chemo therapy for a while; he took a lot of pain killer to combat the severe pain. The doctor suspected it could be the heavy dosage of pain killer that caused the shut down of his body system.
Trio told me that Peter wanted to come to our choir reunion so much in January, but it was the doctor who suggested to him not to take the long distance trip. This he regretted very much and was determined to join our reunion next year. Trio told me that Peter was in tears when he listened to our choir CD that Shao-tang sent him.
Peter was such a cheerful person, good natured and hard working. In fact, I was the matchmaker of his marriage to my god-sister Trio. We consider each other like families.
There will be a memorial service on November 6th in San Jose, I believe. If any of you, the choir members, will be able to attend this service, please advise. Perhaps we can sing for Peter for the last time.
Let's all pray for Peter and his family in peace.
¡X ¿à¥üs
When I read Yu-ho and Chao-chen's emails I could not help but have this image of Peter in front of me - a handsome man with a big, genuine, warm and bright smile, and eyes filled with happiness.
Last time I talked to him was exactly a year ago. It was the agreed time between us that he would make a final decision on the reunion. I was making full-court pressure trying to convince him to join us at the reunion. How little I knew at the time that he had serious health issues and did not want us who loved him and cared about him to worry. He told me that he had some speaking engagement in India that he promised to go and was set up two years earlier! From his tone I could tell that he was really sorry that he could not join us. I certainly was disappointed but accepted his decision. He wanted me to extend his well-wishes to all his comrades.
I learned about his real reason at the reunion. I was concerned but with the belief Chin-yung was going to be fine and decided that I should just let him have his India story for a while longer. About a month ago I read the article in the World Journal talking about Chin-yung's retirement (news from TEFA - thank you I-Yu for keeping us informed all these years) and his health issue. Finally with this public information I was able to contact him to express our care and thoughts for him. A couple of weeks ago I sent him a short note and the choir CDs (the old recordings and the new CD we made In January). The one comforting thing for me is that he knew we were with him and our music accompanied him. But I am still very sad.
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To me, Peter is forever a 'Happy Singing Cowboy'!
When I was a young and innocent freshman in '68, Peter grabbed me out of the blue and made me sing "All I Have to Do is Dream" (by Everly Brothers) with him ..... A perfect love-song-singing duet was born that day, at least Peter and I pictured ourselves that way. Regrettably, our song never achieved the stardom status of Chang Da-Pings's "I Love You For Sentimental Reason" in our choir.
I was expecting Peter to join our last reunion in Taiwan, and hoping he would be able to join our next one, so the mighty duet could sing this love song again to serenade all the young ladies (Mrs. Rice included) in our choir, unfortunately now this dream of mine shall remain unfulfilled.
Sadly, Peter had accelerated his footsteps into the future beyond and left us behind; but we will always remember him, strumming his guitar, kicking the soccer ball and chasing/accomplishing his big dreams.
Please click two Hyperlinks here,
¡X Ù§B®p
"Four strong winds that blow lonely, seven seas that run high...." That's how I remember Peter, and his guitar.
Laughter and tears, Choir members should get together more often, and cherish.
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Before I got the sad news, I was just looking out the windows admiring and contemplating the leaves changing in this early fall season. It is beautiful, natural, but somewhat melancholy. I am deeply saddened to hear that Lee Chin-yung had passed away. We lost a choir member.... My memories drifted back to the good-old time of our Choir practices 30 some years ago at Tunghai. I saw a Chin-yung, a handsome-looking young man, walking into the rehearsal room with a beautiful full-teeth smile and glowing bright eyes. His hair seemed always gloomed perfectly with shine and with some hair deliberately dangling in the front to express the charm of his style. Also, he struck me as a very intelligent and energetic man, seemed always ready to tackle any hard tasks.
I learned from Chang Huei that Chin-yung had made a great accomplishment in his life. He was vice-president of San Jose State University in California. He was a loving husband and the father of two children - both in college. Huei said the last days of Chin-Yung's life, he wanted his wife and children close by his side and he held their hands. They were very loving to each other. It is difficult for me to see someone like Chin-yung who had great affection for his wife and children had to leave them behind. Chin-yung and his family are in my prayer.
¡X ·¨¤pÄ«
It is very unusual to have rainy days in California. Just like our tears that will not stop falling. It brings such a feeling of loss to know that Peter is no longer in San Jose !
We have been so lucky to be Tunghai University Choir members. We have made friends who are as close to us as brothers and sisters and will miss Peter very much. We will miss his voice and his smile.
I remember when we were in college, Peter lost his father. He was very very sad. We all felt his pain with him. Now he is with his father in Heaven. That is the one consolation.
Fighting cancer took a lot of courage from him and his family. May God be with his family to help them through the difficult time. We will do everything we can to comfort them.
Let us meet in San Jose to say good bye to Peter for the last time.
With Love and Prayer,
¡X ¤ý©ú¬Â
When you're weary, feeling small, | ·í§AÂ¥F¡A¤£¦p·Nªº®ÉÔ¡A |
when tears are in your eyes, | ·í§A²´¤¤§t²\¡A |
I will dry them all, | §Ú·|±N¥¦©Ø¥h¡A |
I am on your side, | §Ú·|ÀH¨Í¥ª¥k¡A |
¡D¡D¡D | ¡D¡D¡D |
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